Monday, November 19, 2012

Another Interesting Day

Sorry my wonderful angels that this is late! My precious girl had an interesting day. She was moving hands and feet on command and had her eyes open a lot. They had to put another Broviac line in and thus had another surgery. We were blessed to have an anesthesiologist that was great and reminded us a lot of Aunt Nancy. She did a great job and Julia came back more alert than after any other surgery. The bummer was that they had to put the line in her left femoral which means she has lines in both femoral and we are so afraid of the risk of infection when she poops. We want that but we have to pray for no contamination. She is still under care for c diff the first 24hr culture was neagative but we have to wait for 72 hours to be sure.
We were blessed to recieve a great number of beautiful angels from all over the US from unknown angels who are praying for our girl. We are going to line her crib with them watching over her!
I kissed her toes and fingers a great many times!

All your love and prayers are helping immensely!

Love you all and if I don't respond to texts or calls my phone delivered 98 text messages and a number of phone messages from several days tonight! Go figure!
Grammie Jen

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