little angel had a very big and happy day! My sources, Carrie and Nona
were very up to date! Julia only had one desat this morning and sat
with her head up for a couple of minutes! They ended the antibiotic Vancomyicin today as the staph appeared to be a contamination. I am
glad that she isn't on the antibiotic if she didn't need it but am still
puzzled at her higher WBC and fevers! Strange happenings! They are
trying her on a very small dose of an anti-convulsant drug to try and see
if that lessens her desats. The theory is that she is having seizures
in the brain stem area which are hard to monitor and can't be picked up
on the eeg. With only one desat, I am hopeful. It is scary at best,
but if it works, wow!
Carole,aka Nona, is holding her and has been
with her the whole day. Amanda is having a sleep over and play time
with her good friend Audrey. That is nice so that Glen and Carrie can
have some time to be together and reconnect and
talk without "a little pitcher with big ears". They were able to walk
earlier and are out to dinner together and perhaps a movie so they can
talk about something other than the hospital goings on! So nice to have
Don and Carole there!
Nona says she thinks that the new drug makes
her tired but from all the things that Julia was doing today it sounds
like she should be tired any way! Carole says that she has learned how
to move her feet enough to rock her chair and that she is moving her
left hand to her mouth and sticking out her tongue and laughing a lot!
Lots of being held sung and read to. An overall great day. Love
You guys are awesome. I know much of this is your work and am so thankful! Keep it up please! I want these steps forward!!!
Can't wait to get my hands and lips on my sweet pea! Am feeling better
and the fever didn't show itself today so hopeful the antibiotics are
working and that the flu portion are gone! May venture a small outing
tomorrow! Pete and I did a very quick run to grocery yesterday and did
it in about 10 minutes, I felt very accomplished!
Love you all and so appreciate all you are doing.
Grammie Jen
Thanks for the great progress report!