Friday, November 16, 2012

Sleeping and Healing

Julia basking in the warmth of the dryer.

An early update to our angels! Good work she is sleeping a lovely sleep! She is still off the ventilator and they are doing a 24 hour EEG to see if their is any seizure activity. Praying for the best! 

Carrie and Glen had better chairs last night and got some good sleep also! Yeah!

I quietly told her I was here and I haven't kissed those little pea toes as she is sleeping so nicely. 

Amanda is having a lovely day with her cousins and will be with me tomorrow and possibly go home with Glen on Sunday night for three days! We hope that it will work out and Julia will be stable so he can go! I will stay here to support Carrie and be available for Glen and Amanda if they need me.
It is always an entertaining event when Carrie sends Glen to get clothes for her from the car! Today he brought her my extra clothes from my car when he was putting the dirty laundry in my car! I love that he thinks my clothes would be small enough for Carrie!!! Entertainment is where you can find it!
I'll give you another update later.
Grammie Jen

1 comment:

  1. We so miss seeing Amanda at school and chatting with Carrie, Glen & Julia... Good work Julia!
